Lets Do College

Posts Tagged ‘difficult classes

What is it like, going to college classes as an older student?  Do you feel weird?  Is it difficult?  How do the students treat you?   I can tell you that it is very inspiring.  It’s like sitting in a well-tended, well-watered garden.  People and ideas are abundant, and the horizon is beautiful. 

Time of Life:

My grandmother, at 91, never considered herself to be old.  She was just herself.  I admired that trait and hope to perfect it in myself.  No, I don’t feel weird in college.  I just think its my destiny. 

Class subjects:

Is college difficult?  The classes range in difficulty.  Some we have an affinity for, our talents lie in certain areas, and success comes easier; but the others!!!   I like to think that if I work hard enough, I can do them, and so far, so good.  I must admit, if I need any tutoring, I do not hesitate for a minute to take advantage of the free tutoring service at West Lib.  Sometimes when I don’t understand some concept, I start worrying – but you know, when it finally dawns, the adrenalin high is great.  I do love good grades. 

Fellow Students:

My fellow student-adventurers are a good lot.  In my youth, I was shy.  Not so much anymore, but I do tend to be on the quiet side, so although I don’t know everyone in the room, I really like those who sit by me.  The ones that I know are friendly and warm, and I can’t wait to meet more.

To Be Continued…